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December 2015 Class Schedule

We know that a lot of you will be heading to the coast for sunshine and sweet wine over December, but we will be open so that if you are home you can get your CrossFit fix. For the people travelling, we will post some body weight WODs to make sure the Speedo look stays tidy. For the guys and gals at home, here is our reduced schedule for the festive season. Please keep up the good habit of booking for class. If you have friends from other boxes that are closed, they are welcome to join you for a fee of R100 per class.

Wednesday 16 CLOSED
Thursday 17 x  x
Friday 18 x x
Saturday 19 x
Sunday 20 CLOSED
Monday 21 x x
Tuesday 22 x x
Wednesday 23 x x
Thursday 24 x
Friday 25 CLOSED
Saturday 26 CLOSED
Sunday 27 CLOSED
Monday 28 x x
Tuesday 29 x x
Wednesday 30 x x
Thursday 31 x
Friday 1 CLOSED
Saturday 2 CLOSED
Sunday 3 CLOSED
Monday 4 x x
Tuesday 5 x x
Wednesday 6 x x
Thursday 7 x x
Friday 8 x x
Saturday 9 x
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