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CrossFit Ex Animo June Newsletter

Its the “June” Newsletter from the team at CrossFit Ex Animo.

Greetings from the digital soap box I have created to invade your inbox with CrossFit Ex Animo News.

You won’t believe what we have written in the mail below (This is a nifty trick I am using to get you to read the whole mail)

Schedule updates:

We are introducing yoga on a Monday from 16:30-17:30, starting on 6 June. Book for this class as normal. It’s a great way to improve your flexibility, body awareness, core strength and to prevent injury. There will no longer be mobility at 17:00.

Saturday 07:00 – this class will be more focused on skills going forward. This is the perfect way to take your workouts to Rx. If you are struggling with things like handstands, double unders, pull ups, muscle ups, this is the class for you. It will also include a mobility component so if you are not doing enough stretching after class, join us on a Saturday at 7am.



CrossFit kids:


Coming to Ex Animo soon! Watch this space.

We will be introducing classes for ages 4 – 12.






45 Day RESET me Button – Nutrition program: 

We have been running a 45 day ‘reset the system’ and nutrition program. The results have been enormous in a short space of time and we are now offering it to the entire gym.

Benefits include:

  • Improved performance in the gym
  • Body conditioning and weight loss
  • Reduced centimetres across your body
  • A better understanding of nutrition

We will be launching the next 45 Day program at 19H30 on the 9th of June 2016. It starts with a talk about the program and what it takes.

This is not reserved for members and you don’t have to do CrossFit to do the 45 day program. We  will be offering a 45 day program special in terms of membership for external people to the gym so if you have some friends who want to lose some weight before speedo season, have a chat.

My results in 35 days with 10 to go:

  • Lost 6 kilos so far
  • 20cm’s across my chest
  • 7cm’s across my belly
  • 10 cm’s abdominal
  • Looking better naked

Lets get ready for summer.

Here are some results from Dwayne Hurn:

Dwayne Hurn
Dwayne Hurn

Bring a friend to Work (OUTS) day!

This was massively successful and we are going to add this one day a month. The last Thursday of the month is bring a friend day in the evening classes. These classes are perfect for someone who has never done CrossFit before and is curious to check it out before signing up for onramp. No need for your friend to book, just bring them. Keep an eye out on the board for the date of the next one. Also follow our events on FaceBook.

Winter Warmth WOD

On Saturday 25 June we will be having a winter blanket and food WOD. We would like people to continue in the giving spirit of Matt’s walk to Greenland and donate warm clothes, blankets and food for those in need of support in a very rough time of year.

We will warm you up and help spread the warmth in Johannesburg. Please bring any of the above for the warm fest on the last Saturday of June.


It’s been a massive three months since the Opens and we have more athletes attempting events than ever before.

We had 3 teams at the Pretoria Throw Down and 4 at Last Man Standing. Its a great way to test all the work you have been doing and get a sense of CrossFit outside of the box.

If you are interested in competing in an event speak to your coaches and we can put your name down for teams that will be participating soon.

There are events for every level and we can guide you where to best start with your first one.


This is always a work in progress and we have recently updated the system that manages your sessions and billings. We thank you for your patience with this and please keep letting us know if you have any issues so we can rectify them for you.

Please make sure however that you are in fact booking for class. We like to make sure we are looking after you and pay attention to attendance so we can pick up if you have not been making it.

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