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Don’t Eat S#!T | A Direct approach to nutrition
A Direct approach to Nutirion Coaching | Don’t Eat S#!T
Occasionally I get asked about my own diet and nutrition, tips to lose weight, put on muscle, etc. My first response, and I’m sure word has travelled, is “Don’t Eat S#!t”
For me nutrition is a mindset and it starts with what your goals are. You need to identify your goals and ask yourself “How committed am I to achieving them?”
Aesthetics vs Performance.
Your first assessment is aesthetics vs performance.
I believe performance should always trump aesthetics because the ethos is based around lifestyle changes and awareness for a prolonged period, instead of periodic yo-yo diets and fads. Looking forward is difficult as an example trying to stick with something for 2 weeks in the future seems difficult, but looking back at how quickly 2 weeks go by puts time into perspective. They key is to search for sustainability in order to commit to it for a long term.
Sustainability is Critical!
As far as actual nutritional advice goes, an outline to start with would be:
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.” (CrossFit Journal, September 2002)
This is simple. We aren’t getting into macro’s, nutrient timing, supplements, or anything out of the ordinary. It’s a baseline and starting point for you to work with. Once you are within a routine, you will be able to look at other options that align with your goals. You will need to experiment with your diet to find out what works for you and your lifestyle. What you will need to do is stick to your plan and your goals. Coaches are more than happy to give advice and insight on how to achieve those goals, but the onus is essentially on you to be committed to your goals.
You Already Know the Answers.
Generally people ask questions they already know the answers to when it comes to nutrition. Can I eat oats? Is orange juice fine? Can I have a pizza once a week? The fact is you can eat whatever you want. You can eat chocolate, bread, cake, elephant dung if you want, but does it align with your goals, and is it the best way to fuel your body? Do rusks and coffee for dinner fit into your goal of a bigger squat, or a six-pack?
The main question is, How determined and committed are you to the goals you are setting?
Preparation leads to success!
Food preparation is the biggest key to achieving goals. We’re prepared to put in extra work for a business presentation, or doing research on what the stock markets are doing, but not when it comes to looking after our bodies. Better nutrition leads to avoidance of sickness, better mental awareness, better physical performance, and above all an improved self-esteem. If you are on the road a lot or have back to back meetings on a weekly basis, those are in your diary, and you have the opportunity to prepare for it. Don’t fall into the trap of being unprepared or instant gratification.
“But I don’t have time to prepare my food, I’m too busy. It’s difficult”
If you are using the above sentence, its an indication that your priorities are not aligned to your goals, and you need to take charge of your own goals. There are far more difficult things in life than improving dietary decisions, its time to re-valuate your perspective. The issue is commitment, not the challenge.
Find Balance
Life is about balance, and being able to enjoy the experiences that we afforded in it. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a piece of cake at your daughters own birthday. It means to be aware and cognizant of it. It’s about balance. Do you really need to have 10 beers and 3 tequilas when you’re watching the rugby? We often get caught up in instant gratification, and the need to ‘reward’ ourselves. What do you need a reward for? You made it through to Friday, and you’re now going to get a pizza? We reward pets with treats, not people.
Instant gratification never aligns with nutrition goals. Start enduring short term ‘pains’ for long term success
Being able to be accountable for how you treat your body brings life into perspective. Having the commitment and determination to be cognisant of what and why you put into your body resonates with all of life’s lessons. It teaches you how rewarding long term goals can be. It teaches you that diligence is rewarded in both mental and physical performance. Nothing will compare to the rewarding feeling of being able to look in the mirror when you look yourself in the eye and see what commitment brings.
The scale can lie, but the mirror and your own conviction never do.
Often the best advice we hear is not what we want to hear, and makes us angry. But once we digest it, and turn away from denial and anger we see the path to progress. It’s not for everyone. Neither is hard work, persistence, and accountability towards your goals. Look after your body, it’s the only one you have.
Don’t Eat S#!T
Author: Bruce Gibbs
About Bruce:
Bruce joined the CrossFit Ex Animo team and brings passion and discipline to all of his coachings. He presents a no-nonsense direct approach to his input and will always provide honest feedback and guidance. An established athlete and coach he is meticulous with attention to detail and will be the first to spot and help with a correction in the box.
Coach at CrossFit Ex Animo
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