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August 2017 News

Well hello there Xanimals!!! August has just snuck up on as and we thought it was high time we sent you one of our Ex Animo updates. With so much on the go, we wanted to make sure everybody was…

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CrossFit Ex Animo Kickstart Mailer

CrossFit Ex Animo January 2017 Mailer!  Welcome back you Xanimals! It's a super new year and we cannot wait to spend it with you in 2017. We wish you all the very best for this coming year ahead and may…

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CrossFit Community | Thank You

CrossFit is Compassion What does CrossFit mean to me? All the great things you hear about community and friendship are true. It's a great way to get fit and have fun doing it. To me it goes beyond that. To…

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CrossFit Ex Animo Coaches Couch | Recovery

Coaches Couch Coaches couch are the ramblings of the CrossFit Ex Animo coaches. Some of the ramblings are based on regular queries from the box and members and some or just great pieces of information the coaches have picked and…

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November Mailer CrossFit Ex Animo

Its November already and the festive season is upon us, its been a year of great things for the gym and we look forward to making 2017 an even better place to train and improve your life 1 hour at…

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Training Kids

Training your kids "It’s a basic evolutionary truth that our bodies are meant to be used . Physical activity is not just an adjunct to a functioning brain, the awkward relic of a distant hunter-gatherer phase, but a necessary component…

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